Missionary Independent Spiritual Church 2013 Hoodoo Rootwork Annual Workshops
Did I mention how I LOVE Lucky Mojo Curio Co.???
*insert toe curling girl squeal here*
A little history on the mention of the use of my photos... Unless you have been living under a rock, been in a coma, or without an Internet connection, you would have seen the insane amounts of photos I take and post to Flickr and Facebook of Lucky Mojo Curio Co., LMCC Products, and The Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. Also some "candids" of the staff :)
I am embarrassed to report I believe I have taken in excess of at least 400 pics, and counting! One does not simply visit the shop and not take photos. That would be sacrilegious.
I enjoy photography so it really is a treat to be able to freely photograph the amazing products and the property at LMCC.
Most all of the photos used of LMCC have been taken by me unless otherwise noted/linked.
The Blue Bottle Spirit Trap Tree from the 2012 Rootwork Workshop |
The bulk of the photos (and my personal favorites) are on my Facebook account. Quite a few of those have made the Lucky Mojo Newsletters in the past! I always get so excited seeing my pics featured there :)
*gives me the warm fuzzies*
Sit tight folks!... I will post the LMCC November Newsletter as soon as I get it!
You can subscribe to it here:
Aside from the mention and anticipation of my photos in the newsletter, this yearly soiree of Conjure Workers is a MUST See. The amount of information shared and networking opportunities are simply priceless. I met my "Interviewee" for one of my Correspondence Course Homework Assignments there as well as made a bunch of new friends whom I can't wait to see next May :)
This time, instead of focusing on taking pics of everything... I will be more focused on the classes offered.
LOL... Yeah right!
Love Potion #9
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