*It's Contest Time*
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A Prosperity Mojo Bag hand made by Papa Curtis!
A Prosperity Mojo Bag hand made by Papa Curtis!
*No purchase Necessary*
I am pleased to announce that my March Reader/Rootworker of the Month is Papa Curtis!
I had met Papa Curtis through another fellow rootworker via Facebook this past year when I had the misfortune of being "thrown at".
In case you do not know what that term means, it is basically a definition of someone trying to "trip you up", cause you misfortune and downfalls.
This is generally done when you have wronged someone else, or in my case, pettiness and jealousy.
While I had the tools and "know how" to cleanse and protect myself, sometimes your own works may not be enough and you may find yourself in need of some heavier hitting work.
Enter: Papa Curtis.
He knew the situation (pretty sure most everyone in the conjure community knew my case), listened to what was happening on my end and the steps I took to re mediate it. He felt compelled to help me and gave me some advice as well as made me a few custom protection items.
I will have to say I was in awe at his compassion, knowledge, and speed at which he helped me. Not to mention his generosity! It was HIS idea to donate one of his hand made mojo bags for this months Give Away :)
Also his idea as to the "theme" being it Tax Season. Genius!
As a rule, Papa Curtis does not generally furnish photos of his workings (personal reasons) but was gracious to allow me a couple of his own as well as links to some podcasts and published works of his.
Here's to a windfall for the winner of this blog contest!
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Papa Curtis!
Do you belong to a professional association that requires readers and rootworkers to abide by a code of ethics?
A. I am not a member of AIRR. However, I support what they do and believe all workers should be ethical and professional. Persons who are not will quickly gain a reputation for the worse.
What kinds of readings do you perform?
A. I work with sticks (casting lots), pendulums, geomancy, chamalongos and cowrie shells.
Which of the reading styles you use are most popular with your clients?
A. The sticks and pendulums seem to be.
Who was or were your divination teacher or teachers?
A. Mario dos Ventos, Hans Christian King
Do you prescribe spiritual supplies for the people you read for?
A. Occasionally, if they come to me for a specific condition.
Do you teach spell-casting or do magical coaching with your reading clients?
A. Yes, I do. Not all clients want this, but when appropriate I do.
How and when did you first hear about hoodoo rootwork? A. Probably when I was a young man growing up in Virginia. People around me did things I didn’t understand. I thought it was superstition,but now as I look back it was actually hoodoo.
Who was or were your rootwork teacher or teachers?
A. Mario dos Ventos. As well, Cat Yronwode’s work has been a great influence although I am not a student. Her research has benefitted the community greatly. I have a Gullah friend as well who has been kind enough to share her culture with me to some degree.

How long have you been professionally practicing divination, psychic reading, hoodoo rootwork, or conjure doctoring for clients?
A. Since 2007 professionally.
What kinds of hoodoo spell-casting cases have you handled successfully in the past?
A. Many. For some reason I tend to get people who are in difficult situations, such as being crossed or having roots thrown on them. Business enhancement as well as legal case work also seems to come my way often. One other area is people who have difficulty with a piece of land or property- just recently, I helped cool a piece of property that had angry Dead on it here in the NC mountains.
Can you provide me with any references from among your clients?
A. Absolutely. How many do you need?
*please see above commentary for my own personal testimony*
Can you send or show me any pictures of altar work that you have performed for other clients? A. No, I cannot. I was taught absolutely not to show altars or photos of my work to the general public. Of course, if you are ever in the area I’d be happy to show you in person.
What are your strong suits as a magical spell caster and rootworker?
A. I tend to get cases involving the dead or combatting witchcraft and deal with them effectively. Drawing business to clients, as well as helping them unravel complicated life situations also are two of my areas of specialty.
What are your weaknesses as a magical spell caster and rootworker?
A. I’m only 41, and have many years to learn more about the tradition.
Do you have any moral or religious limitations on the kind of magic spells you will perform for others? If so, what are they?
A. This depends. If divination indicates the work can be done, then I can do it. I’m not afraid of doing “left hand” work as long as it’s justified or deserved.
Do you work according to the precepts of a particular religion, and if so, which one?
A. Yes. I am a Kimbandiero, and a Palero. That would be Kimbanda and Palo Mayombe.
How long do you think I should have to wait before I can see results from your spell casting or altar work if we are going to have positive movement ?
A. Putting a time stamp on any work is not how I work. Usually works happen within a month (or a moon cycle), sometimes longer, often shorter. Each case is different. Usually divination indicates the timeframe in the initial consultation.
What could I be doing at home in combination with your rootwork and prayers to improve the chances that my aims and goals will be achieved? A. Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. Many times just staying spiritually clean can alleviate many issues. Also, being in touch with and honoring your Ancestors. They are your Home Team, as it were.
If the spell casting or altar work I hire you to do is not successful, how would you suggest that I proceed next?
A. I’ve not had to deal with this yet, but in that case I would refer you to a respected peer or one of my godfathers. One of the reasons for an initial divination is to see whether or not I can do the work or am allowed to do so. If the divination indicates I cannot, then I won’t take the case no matter the amount offered. To do so would not be ethical.
Do you provide magical coaching services?
A. Yes, but only on a limited basis. I’m not interested in having a lot of students. Only a few good ones. At this point I have had only 3 students over the years.
As a Teacher, what would you advice would you give someone just starting out in Reading/Conjure Work?A. Cleanse yourself regularly. Have a plan to protect yourself from negativity. Get in touch with and honor your Ancestors. Take it slow at first. Choose what- and whom- you work with carefully. Keep it simple- sometimes, less is more. Listen to your Elders and Ancestors.
Published Articles:
Mystic Cup articles:
From Witchy Living- http://cache.blogtalkradio.com/search/papa-curtis/
Into the Mystic:
You all know the "rules" but in case you don't, all you need to do is share this blog post on your Facebook and tell me that you did by writing "shared" on my status update I will provide; ultimately leads one to win a very fabulous Prosperity Mojo Bag hand crafted by Papa Curtis.
The winner will be announced March 23, 2013
Best of luck!
Love Potion # 9
Love Potion # 9
*Questionnaire can be found at: http://www.readersandrootworkers.org/index.php?title=Questions_to_Ask_Your_Reader%2C_Rootworker%2C_or_Conjure_Doctor
Copyright Cat Yronwode/Lucky Mojo Curio Co.
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