Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Happy Feast Day to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Today marks the Fest Day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel!
It is said that prayers to her never fail. 

Keep in mind that her prayer must be recited for 3 consecutive days, and there are prayers that even God above does not answer. 

*Please remember this when petitioning her and all other Saints, Deity's, God's, Goddesses, etc.*

Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days:

Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven.

Oh, Blessed Mother of the Son of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity.

Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother.

Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity.

(Mention your request here)

There are none that can withstand your power.

Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (say three times).

Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands. (say three times).


When your prayer is answered, publish a message of Thanks in gratitude of her service.

*Blog Post on Our Lady of Mount Carmel*

*Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Wikipedia*

Keep the Faith!

Coastside Conjure

Thursday, July 10, 2014

*Contest Time* Mystic Dream Wisdom Festival 2014

It's that time again! Contest Time!!! 

I haven't done one of these in a while and what better time than now?... Just in time for the Wisdom Festival held by the fine folks at The Mystic Dream

The roster of readers is INSANE! 
Seriously folks.... Devin Hunter, Storm Faerywolf, Luna Pantera, and Michelle freakin Jackson! ::faints::
 OMG... I just love them <3!
I'm very interested in meeting and communing with the others on the list as well :)

I have had the pleasure of meeting Nimat last weekend; while I personally have not had the pleasure of getting a reading from her, I did hear rave reviews from her clients. VERY HAPPY individuals. 
The back of the shop was packed with people waiting for a reading from her.

She is on my list to try out sometime  :)

With that said... In honor of  attending the Wisdom Festival for the first time, I am offering up some "Second Sight" products from The Mystic Dream!

Onto the "Rules":

You all know the "rules" but in case you don't, all you need to do is share this blog post on your Facebook and tell me that you did by writing "shared" on my status update I will provide; ultimately leads one to win the very fabulous trio of Second Sight products from The Mystic Dream!
Please know that I do see who and who doesn't share ;)

The Winners of this blog contest will be announced July 18th.

Good Luck! and see you there!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

For Problems Solved... Press "N" for Newt

The past month (Retrograde was 50 Shades of SUCK) was seriously unbearable.

Hit with starting a new job only to find out that after 9 days of employment, we are on a Monthly paycheck basis. 
Aside from Teachers, I do not know who gets paid like that anymore. 
It was not stated in my interviews, on my offer letter, or in my Employee Manual (weird). 
Believe me, I looked! 
Taking for granted that I would be paid every 2 weeks like the rest of the employed free world (sans Teachers).

Living off of very limited funds for 30 days was a very humbling experience.

Fast forward to July 1st.

After a 30 Day "Financial Fasting", I was more than ready for some "Dead Presidents" to make their way into my bank. 
My checking account resembled Kate Moss... "anorexic".

Sadly my Direct Deposit did not go in at all this morning to which then the feeling of panic set in. 
Rent and Bills are due... Like NOW.

Having had work done by him in the past that garnered some really impressive results, I naturally called my good friend and esteemed colleague Papa Newt.

This guy has Saint workings in spades! 
He is my Go-To Guy for my St. Expedite workings, questions, and needs. Seriously, I think they were brothers in another lifetime.
He is popular in the Conjure Community for working with St. Expedite, though he pulled out the big guns today and had St. Jude's ear bent too.

By the time 10 am rolled around, I had a live check on my desk to deposit into my starving bank account.
And can I just tell you that not only was my bill money there, but that it was delivered by the HOTTEST man in the office... Possibly the planet.
*needed a cold shower after that exchange*
I may need one after I'm done with this blog post...

ANYWAY, I wanted to give Papa Newt a shout out and a HUGE Thank You to him and Saints Jude & Expedite whom he petitioned on my behalf.

You guys ROCK!

Papa Newt can be found at Good Luck a Kansas City Conjure Shop working right along side Mambo Julie who is equally Awesome!
*just LOVE her*

More on her and the shop in a future blog post :)

Links to a past Blog Post featuring Papa Newt: